Monday, October 30, 2006

Teach the Children Well

My daughter thinks it's about time I get a job.

She's had careers on her mind a lot lately. From her seven-year-old point-of-view, Mom has a job where she works for one week every year. And when Mom works, Grandma comes to spoil her rotten.

It's win/win, as far as she's concerned.

So she's been asking me a lot of questions about careers, money, and having children. Last week she announced that she had come to a decision regarding her future.

"When I grow up, I'm just going to marry a man with a really good job."

Yeah, sure, I went on to talk to her all about women's liberation and how she could do anything she wanted and how money wasn't happiness and blah, blah, blah.

I don't think she bought it.

I can't imagine where she might have gotten that notion.

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