Thursday, March 23, 2006

Tuna Girl Sucks

Well, I'm having fun with this, even if you guys aren't. If you still want to make a guess, feel free. There are hints in the comments. I think I'll close the game down at 7 p.m. central time tonight.

So far, the closest guess is cum facial. I just love you guys!

In other news, my life is very boring.

Patrick and I have discussed the nature of personal blogs before. Most people read blogs as entertainment, just like they watch television or read novels. And what makes for good entertainment?


Conflict creates drama and action.

Without conflict, your life will move along swimmingly, but who's going to want to read about it.

So my blog was a lot more interesting when my husband was deployed, my house was overrun with pests, I was having surgery, and I was meeting a bunch of new people all the time.

Have no fear, though. I have a solution.

I'm going to start picking fights, having an affair, and working as a professional dominatrix while the kids are in school. If that doesn't work, there's always nudity.

Not my nudity! I think I have a total of five straight male readers. And none of them want to see me naked.

I'm talking about cute guy nudity. He's my mentor after all.

Now where are all those pictures Patrick e-mailed me?

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