Thursday, April 06, 2006

Men in Ill-fitting Uniform

There's this thing about being a military wife (or member) that is just impossible to avoid.

I can never enjoy a military movie again.

No, it's not why you think. Yes, I do have a tendency to feel too intensely when I watch a military drama. I can't help but picture my husband and our family in the situation.

But if you notice, most military movies are based on ground troops. And my husband is not on the ground. I usually walk out of those movies shaking my head and proclaiming, "Air power, baby!"

The reason I can't enjoy military movies is because I'm always catching the errors. From uniforms worn wrong to lingo used incorrectly, I can't help it. It bugs me.

It's one thing not to be able to enjoy military movies, but now I've realized that I can't enjoy military porn either!

Water Colour Boy (usually NSFW) recently ran a series of a military hunk. It began here. Egads! There are so many things wrong with this picture. And like a kids' "What's wrong with this picture" puzzle, I can't look beyond the errors to enjoy the meat.

That fucking sucks! Because I love guys in uniform.

It's funniest to me when sites claim to have real military men and it is so obvious that they are not.

Am I the only military wife (or member) who suffers this problem?

I guess I better just stick to hanging out at the gym or the base pool and watching real military men in real life. Or I can always look out my windows and watch my neighbors mow their lawns. I guess I should count my blessings, hmmm?

Not that I do any of those things, Honey. No, not really. Never. I'm just writing that to be funny on my blog. Ha ha. See?

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