Monday, May 22, 2006

Sometimes quickies are best. Try to keep up.

My husband left this morning for a short TDY (business trip). Does anyone else think it's odd that he had to drive?

Remember when I said that I was just trying to make it through to May 27? Well, my daughter exerted her influence and we've decided to leave for Cape Cod on May 25 instead. Actually, her begging to leave early didn't affect me at all. I just realized that it would probably be easier to drive before the holiday weekend.

I don't know if it is cosmic payback for making fun of my friends for being old, but I've hit 33 and suddenly I'm totally out of gas. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I never sleep and I never slow down while I'm awake. Hmmm. I'll have to think about that.

So I have three days to completely pull my shit together before we head off. So far, all I've done is coordinate the in-drive entertainment. DVD players for everybody!

My husband will be home briefly on Wednesday night, before we all head off in different directions. You can bet there'll be some sumpin, sumpin going on. He owes me birthday sex.

He took me out on a birthday date on Saturday night. For some reason, I've wanted nothing but Mexican food lately. We also went to see Mission Impossible 3.

I didn't think I'd be able to put aside T.C.'s freaky-ass weirdness to enjoy the movie. But I actually didn't think much of it, after I calculated how much of my ticket purchase would go toward Scientology. What I was really distracted by were Tom's teeth.

Dude! You went through the humiliation of adult braces. You should have worn your retainer!

Ole' Tom's teeth were so far off midline that it was distracting. I'm sure another set of braces are out of the question now that he has to save for college.

Speaking of kids, I've seen the face of Satan and he's disguised as a three-year-old. I somehow got roped into manning the water slide at my son's preschool end-of-year party. (And no, Patrick, I didn't not say no. I just sort of did it because the kids were hurting each other as they fought to get up the ladder!) SW was on one side and I was on the other and we were physically pulling kids off of one another. God, I hate parents who ignore their kids disgusting behavior!

Which reminds me, my mom asked me to help her babysit all of my nephews on May 31. I hope I live to tell about it.

Is it bad that I'm starting to count the hours until I'll be on vacation? Responsibility-free in T minus 106 hours. Woo hoo!

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