Sunday, April 22, 2007

Fly By

In exactly seven minutes, my husband will be flying his aircraft over the crowd at the air show here on base. Then he'll fly that baby right on out to another week-long TDY.

I hate air show weekend. When we were young, we lived for air shows. It was an air show that inspired my husband to go into aviation way back when he was seven-years-old. But after twelve years (twelve years!?!?!) in the military, they've gotten old. It's impossible to drive on and off base, and I've got shit to do. Lot's of shit. Shit I can't skip.

In light of the Blue Angel crash yesterday, I can't help but think about the constant danger of flying for a career. My heart grieves for those Blue Angel families.

To be completely honest, I have a lot more to talk about on this subject. But I can't quite yet. When I can, I will.

But on that note, does anybody else have any bad news they'd like to share. Really? Come on. Go ahead and let it rip. Everyone else has.

Did anyone else notice what an incredibly bad week this has been for just about everyone? Surgery and more surgery, suicide attempts, massacres, break-ups, crashes, and just all-around general crappiness. What the hell is going on out there right now? Did anyone have a good week last week?

I feel like my threshold is pretty damn high right now. So, universe, if you've got any more crap to throw at me why don't you just get it over with right now. I'd like to get on with it, thank you very much.


I hear the engines on my husband's jet right now.

Fly safe, honey. I'll see you in a week.

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