Saturday, May 15, 2004

100 Things

1. I’m a little embarrassed to be writing this list
2. I was born and raised in a suburb of Boston
3. My dad was a cop
4. My mom pretty much stayed home with us, but got part time jobs when we were older
5. I have a brother who is about 4 years older than me
6. I was born in May 1973 (Do the math)
7. I was two weeks late
8. That’s typical
9. I am married to a military man
10. We met in high school when we both worked at a grocery store
11. We dated for three months our junior year in high school then broke up
12. We got back together when we started college
13. We got engaged our junior year in college
14. We got married a couple of months after college graduation
15. We decided to try to have a baby when I turned 25
16. It took us a year to get pregnant
17. I have a beautiful little girl who was born in July 99
18. In March of 01 we decided to try for another baby
19. We figured it would take another year and our kids would be 3 years apart
20. In March of 01 I was pregnant again
21. My son was two weeks late
22. That’s typical--We’re very much alike
23. I have a beautiful little boy who was born in Dec 01
24. I have had 15 different jobs
25. I only liked one of them, and that was an unpaid internship
26. Now I stay at home with my kids
27. I love being a mom
28. I majored in Marketing in college
29. I started out as an English major but switched when I realized an English degree would be pretty useless
30. So I minored in English
31. I went to Catholic school from sixth grade through college
32. My high school was all-girls
33. My college was all-women
34. I loved that
35. I was a very good student and things came easily to me
36. Except French--I suck at languages
37. I started an MBA and got halfway through when I realized that I didn’t need it
38. All I really wanted was to have and raise kids
39. When I was in second grade my IQ was tested to be 126
40. When I was in high school it was tested to 143
41. I’m not that smart—I got an 1190 on my SATs—every time I took them
42. I took the SATs when I was in the seventh grade
43. I got an 800
44. I love sports and I can play just about anything
45. I played basketball and softball in high school
46. I played softball in college
47. I was a pitcher
48. In 1995 I applied for the US Softball team, but didn’t qualify because of the number of innings I had played in our season
49. We had a short season because it is hard to play softball on snow
50. I’ve never broken a bone
51. I’ve never missed a game because of injury
52. I twirled baton from ages 5 to 18
53. I was very serious about it and even competed at the national level
54. I think that is pretty hysterical now
55. I never wear make-up
56. I only own a few pairs of shoes
57. Half of them are sneakers
58. My parents raised me Catholic but never took us to church
59. They only had me confirmed so I could get married in the church
60. My bother’s best friend is a priest and married us—in a church
61. My two best friends in my past were lesbians
62. My two best friends now are Christian republicans
63. I think I’m a good friend
64. I also think I’m a good mom
65. I also think I’m a good daughter
66. I am not, however, a good sister
67. My brother and I rarely talk because we feel awkward
68. I have three nephews, twin boys and a baby boy
69. They drive me crazy—they’re not very well-behaved
70. I tolerate my sister-in-law, but I really don’t like her
71. I can lie with the best of them
72. In elementary school, I was an alto in the chorus
73. I also played the clarinet in the band
74. The girls behind me snapped my bra during the parade
75. I still hate those girls
76. I went through puberty when I was in the fourth grade
77. Which made me really popular with the boys—in sixth grade
78. When I got my first period I thought I had cut myself
79. When I was young, I wished that I were a boy
80. I don’t wish that anymore
81. In junior high, the nuns assigned me to choir
82. They took all the joy out of singing
83. Now I only sing in my car, but I’m better than Jessica Simpson (Isn’t everyone?)
84. I am a preschool room mother
85. I am a soccer mom
86. My son and I go to a mommy and me music class once a week
87. I have long, straight, thick, brown hair
88. I’m Irish and Portuguese (mostly) and I look it
89. I wear braces (for now)
90. My eyes are a very weird green
91. My daughter has my eyes and she loves that fact
92. I will never work again—thank god
93. To me, working for someone else feels like being in prison
94. I want to travel the world, once my kids are in college
95. I will winter in the Florida panhandle, and summer on Cape Cod when my husband retires
96. The only foreign countries I’ve been to are Canada and Mexico
97. Walking to and from California to Tijuana was the most frightening thing I’ve ever done
98. I was 12 and my father wanted us to appreciate our country more
99. I can’t believe how boring I sound in this list--maybe I’ll have to do another X-rated one
100. I’m still a little embarrassed

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