Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Glad to Be Here

Today was almost the last day of Tuna Girl. And no, I don't mean the blog.

My son and I came this close to getting hit by a Suburban today. We don't have driveways, so I have to parallel park my van on the street in front of my house. Today, there was an ambulance at the house next door, and a landscaper's truck parked on the road. I had to squeeze into a spot. As I was getting out of the car, with my son in my arms, I stepped back right in front of a passing car.

Our lawn guy yelled at me and probably saved my life. There's never any traffic on our street and I couldn't hear car noise because of the mowers.

As much as my heart was in my throat, I was mostly embarrassed. And I felt the need to share.

Holy crap. I almost got us killed.

That kind of ruined a perfectly good day.

I went to the gym today. Woo hoo. It's only been a year. I can't believe it's been a year.

My husband has been searching for some motivation to start running and working out seriously again. He knows that he'll feel better, but he just can't seem to get off his butt and do it. (Damn X-box. I knew that was a bad idea.)

I told him, "You just need the kind of motivation I have right now. I'm going on a cruise with three people I don't know. We're going home to see our family at Christmas. And I'm going to my tenth college reunion in April! I've never felt this motivated."

So, I came home from the gym this afternoon and after my near-death experience I found a note from him on the table. "Gone running. Be back soon. *heart* Me"

I'm so psyched because he is such a happier person when he runs. And hornier too. Oh thank goodness!

He says I'm his inspiration. How sweet is that?

Okay. I'm still feeling shaky and stupid. Today is going to be one of those days when I spend the kids' naptime surfing around and reading a hundred blogs to try and drown myself in someone else's life. See you on the web.

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