Wednesday, August 18, 2004

In which I speak of asses...

Getting up at 6:30 a.m. every morning is kicking my ass. So is spending at least an hour and a half either driving to, waiting in, or driving from the car pool line at school. And so is getting my kicked ass to the gym every day.

Speaking of the gym.

I really like, and really hate my gym. I can't go to the base gym during the day because I have nobody to watch my son. So we go to an off-base gym that has a children's fitness program. My son loves it. He's really pumped to go everyday.

But, at 9:30 in the morning, the gym is filled with other housewives and old men. There just isn't a whole lot of visual stimulation.

And those housewives can talk! One of the great things about being a girl is that I can use the machines to lift and never feel like a wimp. But they don't have a lot of machines and if one more group of Southern mothers just sits on the machines to trade stories about spanking their kids, I'm going to kick their bony asses.

There was one cute boy today though.

Speaking of cute boys.

I can barely keep my eyes open all day, but I managed to stay up past midnight last night to watch the Olympics. Everybody has been talking about how hot the guys are. I agree that they're hot, but in my own Tuna Girl way, their hotness just makes me think.

If you asked me what my ultimate dream man would look like, I'd say he should be tall (at least 5'11' but no more than 6'3"), dark (I'm not big on the blonds. Except Paul Walker.), and, well, handsome (give me some big 'ole eyes, chiseled cheekbones, and a strong jaw and I'll be your slave). I like my men strong and lean but not bulky. And I've recently come to appreciate a fine ass.

But that's not what I married. My guy's only 5'8" and more stocky than lean. And he has no ass of which to speak.

And if he didn't exist, the guys I could imagine myself dating are anywhere from 5'3" to 5'8" tall. Maybe I really prefer to look my man in the eyes, as opposed to his Adam's Apple or sternum.

And they're mostly more cute than handsome. And tend more toward thin or stocky. I'm not sure about their asses though. I either haven't ever seen them from behind or I forgot to check them out.

Isn't that funny? When we date we talk so much about types. But the truth of the matter is that real attraction is based so much more on personality and chemistry. At least it is for women. Or at least it is for me.

But a fine ass never hurt anything.

And speaking of ass (or lack of it).

My poor husband still has poison ivy. *BIG HUGE SIGH* It's still all over. Really, really all over. Poor baby. Poor me.

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