Thursday, September 21, 2006


As I sit down at the computer to kill the last five minutes before I take the kids to school, Patrick is reporting for his surgery. Alone.

Today will be a day of waiting, waiting, waiting.

God, this sucks.

Update: Patrick texted me at around 9 a.m. to let me know that his surgery is scheduled for 11. If everything goes perfectly, the surgery should take about four hours.

I'm hoping that since he doesn't have anyone waiting for news in the waiting room, the nurse or doctor will look at his admission forms and give me a call. But I highly doubt it. So I'm left waiting for him to be cognizant enough to call me or for him to be allowed visitors (who had damn well better call me). If I don't hear anything, later tonight I will call NYU and see how far I can get.

So still waiting, waiting, waiting.

The outpouring of support from my blog friends today has been overwhelming. Actually, calling them blog friends doesn't really convey how much they mean to me. They're my friends, and even my family. And I love them.

Thanks, guys.

Update: I talked to Patrick at about 7 p.m. tonight. He told me, "Morphine is a wonderful thing." He doesn't remember much but it seems things went fine. He seemed in pretty good spirits. And they told him they might release him tomorrow. He also has a friend who will be escorting him home. So it's all good.

I'm going to try to update over at his blog once the kids are in bed.

Thanks so, so, so much for all of your support.

Tonight I'm going to sleep for the first time in months.

Update: I talked to Patrick again at about 11 p.m. Eastern. He's going to try and push his hospital stay one day longer since his insurance approved a three day stay. I think that's an excellent idea. Hell, the Air Force paid for me to have three days in the hospital after I had a baby. It seems only fair.

He asked me to let everyone know how much he appreciates your support. He really was very moved. I could hear it in his voice. I'm headed to bed, you guys. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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