Friday, May 21, 2004

I *Heart* the Internet

Wow. Who knew you'd all enjoy my puke story so much. I could fill a whole blog with stories about puke, poop, and pee. Sometimes I feel like that's all my life revolves around. Seriously.

Speaking of glamour, about half of my readership will be carousing in NYC this weekend. I'm jealous. But mostly I'm a little amazed. Most of their blogs have been commenting on how surprised they are that this gathering has taken off. But I think it is absolutely wonderful that the internet can bring people together this way.

Okay. I realize that it's pretty obvious to all of us that the internet has changed things, but right now I'm feeling real love for technology. It strips away the surface, something that I can really appreciate. Appearances define us, but they shouldn't. I've realized that I have been living vicariously through people of ages and life styles that I would never have the chance to meet in my real life.

But it reflects real life too. It's sort of like high school. Instead of being defined by how many girls/guys would date you, or who you sit with at lunch, you're defined by how many hits you get and who links to you. Cliques develop. Popularity reigns. It's funny, really.

A blogger I love recently mentioned how she feels a little guilty for enjoying the mess of other blogger's lives. (I'm paraphrasing here big time..sorry Jenniy.) Her readers commented that some of them really like to read blogs of people they don't like and sort of root for them to fail. I guess I could sort of understand that, but I've never felt that way.

I really like the people behind the blogs I read. Or at least I like the person they're presenting themselves to be. My own blogroll reminds me how much I love variety in my associations.

The internet has also made major changes in how military families deal with war. I can't even imagine having to wait weeks or months for one letter from my husband. My husband and his cohorts had access to digital internet on their last deployment. We could IM, voice chat, and video conference. It's not even close to being together, but it's lightyears better than what the military wives of just a few years ago had.

Speaking of that, my best friend CB's husband is deploying next week. I'll be one of the only wives with my husband around this summer. I'm going to be feeling guilty. I'll be offering his services (get you minds out of the gutter) for handyman services and babysitting.

He's been working 18 hour days (including weekends) for about 5 months now. But today he came home at 1 p.m. This is unheard of! So, he said hello, raced to the bedroom, curled up and passed out. I'm trying to type quietly as to not wake him, and it is quite impossible. He's leaving next week for a month, and then he'll be done with this program.

I can't wait.

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