Monday, August 16, 2004

Yet Another Stupid Little Post on a Late Sunday Night

Tomorrow is the first day of school.

God! Do you remember that feeling? Like the whole world is bright and new and everything is possible.

I used to enjoy the summers for about two weeks. And then I would begin to have pangs for the first day of school.

What I never realized is that I would feel this way as an adult. I feel the same excitement my daughter does. I'm so excited!

We have new clothes and new hair cuts and a new lunch box and a new book bag.

And now my days will start at 6:30 a.m. with getting kids dressed and making lunches and driving to school. And my son and I will have the whole day together. We'll go to the gym and music class and play dates. We'll run errands and potty train.

Everything feels new. Can you feel it?

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