Thursday, December 02, 2004

You better watch out!

Well, boys and girls, let's look back one month in the 'ole blog.

Clockwork, I tell ya. My hormones are like clockwork.

I have the overwhelming urge to use the word "fuck" in my blog today.

So here goes.

What's the first fucking thing that my fucking husband (okay...I feel bad for saying that, but it's PMS so fuck it) said to me when he came home for lunch today?

"Wow. You're really swollen."

Fuck yeah. What happens when you combine fucking rampant female hormones with recovering from fucking maxilofacial surgery? You get these fucking chipmunk cheeks and one pissy female blogger.

So maybe it's a good thing that I won't be blogging this weekend. But the boys in New York better fucking watch out. Or maybe they should just get me fucking drunk.

But I'm still fucking excited. So my mood will be swinging faster than his bedroom door for a few days.


****Speaking of females...

Since I started blogging I've been looking for women like me. But I think maybe we're a rare breed and few and far between.

But in the last few months I've found these blogs. If you like me, you'll love them. (They don't say "fuck" a lot when they have PMS.)

Sour Lemon: Sweet and sexy.
Jourdan Lane: Who I want to be when I grow up. (Not that she's older than me)
Loxy Fady: A mom after my own heart.

And of course, most of you already read Pua. I think she probably comes closest to my definition of an angel. (And she loves Brendan Shanahan as much as Jeff and I do.)

I leave for New York City early tomorrow and I haven't packed a thing yet.

See you all on Monday with plenty of incriminating photos of our blogger pals.

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