Friday, July 02, 2004

Money, Money, Money

So I've talked about dreams, boobs, penises, and lobster. Could I get any more tacky?

Well, yes. Yes I can. (Blame Jerry.)

And blame my husband too, because as we were eating our lobster dinner, he asked me this question: "Do you think we're rich?"

This is sort of hard to explain, but military people seem to have a different perspective on discussing money. This is because, everyone's income is completely public knowledge. Your pay is based on your rank and time in service, and anyone can look it up on the web. Even incentive pays and (sucky) retirement plans are completely public knowledge. So we don't' mind talking about money. It is sort of weird, but I'm used to it.

Anyway, we're not rich. We're middle class. But we're on our way to rich, because we're lucky (Thanks for the trust fund, Tunagranny!)and just a little bit smart. But I think we tend to spend money with a rich attitude. And therefore, we tend to occasionally live an upperclass life.

Case in point, last night's computer frustrations led to our deciding to buy a new computer. We walk into one store, see what we want, and buy it. I'm now blogging on a fancy schmancy new Media Center computer. Can we really afford it? Well, we put it on a credit card, so I guess that means we can't.

Further, I have household help. Okay. I know. That sounds so snotty. But when you're a stay-at-home mother and your husband deploys, you have to outsource something. Lot's of my friends have hired girls to come and play with their kids so they can get the housework done. Screw that! I can play with my kids. Someone else can do the housework. So for $45 a week, I get a clean house, and my husband and kids get a happy Tuna mom.

And the topper, my daughter goes to a private school And it's an Independent School. Basically, it's the most expensive school in the area. We take our kids' education very seriously, and I'd retire to a cardboard box if I had to, to be able to pay for the school we want, and to be able to allow my kids to choose any college they want.

When I read about bloggers who have trouble paying their rent, I feel so bad. When I read about bloggers who have to do crazy things for health insurance, I feel even worse. I want to take everybody under my financial wing, even though I could never afford to do that. I am extremely lucky when it comes to money. And because I wasn't born into money, I really appreciate everything I have.

We're not rich, but we have enough money that we feel secure. Money can't make you happy, but when you're happy enough to start with, well, money sure can feel nice.

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